Monday, December 10, 2012


Symbaloo is one cool tool.  It's a great way for students to organize their online world.  I really think this is a great application.  Symbaloo is a website that allows you to place your favorite things from the web on tiles.  These tiles act as links to directly connect you to whatever you'd like.  It's sort of like a visual bookmark.  I think this is a really cool way to connect student's with their time spent online.  It's free and easy to use, two more big pluses.

I can definitely see myself using Symbaloo in the future and also encouraging my students to use it as well.  Being a Mac user I have something like that very similarly built into my Safari web browser.  However, Symbaloo offers more options and could really be useful, if used correctly.  However, most school distracts have PC's, and if this was something that was downloaded to all those machines, it could become habit for students to log in and automatically be brought into their Symbaloo account.  This could help them with keeping track of research they do, and other important websites.  It would only work for middle-high school aged students I think though.  Elementary kids would have a tough time utilizing it to it's potential.  Overall Symbaloo is a uniquely applicable tool in todays technological world.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chapter 10 Quotes

1.) Such individualized learning would remove the stigma of looking bad when you don't understand something that others grasp. - pg. 132

I like this quote because it's something that everyone fears.  You don't want to be the weakest link and especially for children, this is a concern.  So if we could remove this, that would be hugely beneficial to education in general.

2.) Rather, we will learn for a while, work for a while, back and forth until we retire. - pg. 137

What a bleak outlook! I picked this quote mainly for the fact that it does not make me excited to to work.  If that's the routine, we need to change that attitude and find a new routine for everyone.  This is too depressing to keep in place.  Plus if we as educators have a bad outlook, than what kinds of things are we teaching our students?

3.) According to a recent survey from the Education Trust, America is the only industrialized country in which today's young people are less likely than their parents to earn a high school diploma. - pg. 145

While this quote may be upsetting, I find solace in it for the fact that I want to change that attitude and statistic.  I hope my teaching inspires all my students to continue their education and push themselves to be the best they can be.  I don't want them thinking that they cannot make it in high school or other higher education.  We as teachers must strive to make sure we do our best to make every students' dream a reality.

Chapter 9 Quotes

1.) The convergence of peer and popular culture through technologies presents possibly the largest threat for schools and parents. - pg. 125

I picked this quote because it's interesting.  No where else in the book is it directly attacked like it is here.  I'm not sure exactly how this convergence is dangerous, but it is apparently so.  I'm still not convinced, however this is something I'd like to explore more.

2.) This is the time for technological visionaries to act. - pg. 127

What a resounding quote!  Very inspiring and re-affirms the fact that we are indeed on the edge of a new era in education, and we should not be afraid to act and be adventurous, because there is nothing to lose.

3.) We need strong leadership from innovative educators to make sure that the new system embodies our society's critical goals for education. - pg. 127

Again, this loudly proclaims the fact that education needs to remain a mainstay for our society.  And that while it might change or grow, the core of what it is, needs to remain the same.

Chapter 8 Quotes

1.) And the new policies that pressure schools to provide "results" have fueled the dropout problems. -pg. 112

This is an interesting take because rather than increase kids learning, the policies are doing the opposite.  The policies in my opinion are hurting schools more than helping and this is increasingly alarming.  It's really too bad because they have good intentions.  But with all the pressure put on teachers, it's no surprise that rather than focus on helping kids, we are teaching to the tests.

2.) Computer based testing will also help capture the kinds of knowledge and skills required for learning in the professions. - pg. 116

In opposition to what much of this book has said, this quote really captures another aspect of using technology to teach.  Much of what a person will do in their professional careers later in life has to do with technology, because we are moving towards that in society.  So this is an interesting upside that isn't explored as much as it should be.

3.) Virtual tutoring is another example of how technology can add to a school's academic resources. -pg. 121

I just picked this quote because it provided an interesting alternative I hadn't often considered.  Virtual tutoring is something that maybe could be expanded upon and utilized more than it is.

Chapter 7 Quotes

1.) One of the most serious issues that a diminution of the role of public school portends is the problem of equity of access to learning. - pg. 106

Everyone needs to go to school in this country.  Whether it's the traditional public school, parochial school, or home schooling, they need to receive an education.  However, if we see a decrease in public schools, this necessary step in development begins to have trouble in succeeding.  This is troubling.  We cannot allow this to happen.

2.) It is clear that public schooling has produced a much more tolerant society, where people encounter many different ideas and types of people. - pg. 107

This is another key step in education.  The fact that socially you can develop.  This is a step that cannot be missed, and so many of these first interactions and lessons learned will come from encounters you have in school.  So I will agree that public schools play these large roles.

3.) Technology may help put students more in charge of their own learning. - pg. 111

Kids are so connected to technology in their personal lives that undoubtably they will become more connected to school if we utilize technology.  I like this quote because it sounds slightly skeptical, whereas the truth is pretty much that.  Technology WILL help put students more in charge of their own learning.  Absolutely.

Chapter 6 Quotes

1.) We think the expectations for education are beginning to change once again. - pg. 94

This is definitely a true statement.  Education is undoubtably changing, and whether you agree with it or not, makes no difference, because it IS changing.  Most importantly is how you are going to deal with that change.  Are you going to change with it? Or fight the change.  Both can affect your students and you need to carefully consider the effects on them.

2.) But teenagers and young adults are taking on more responsibility for their own lives and education. - pg. 94

This is the second part of the changing education.  Because of technology, kids are feeling more connected to the world and thus, more in control.  We can use this to our advantage by increasing the responsibility we give to our students, but also need to carefully monitor what exactly we are giving to them and expecting.  It's a two way street.

3.) Computer systems have limited understanding of students as individuals and do not provide the warmth and support a good human teacher can. -pg. 103

And finally, this quote rounds out the ideas of Chapter 6 very well.  We are moving towards something new in education, but we need to recognize the limitations this new culture has, and we need to respect where we came from.  If human teachers have worked for as long as they have, there must be some merit there, and we would be wise not to forget that.

Chapter 5 Quotes

1.) Parents of home schoolers may, in fact, be more helpful than teachers in a context where the content of what students are learning is embodied in computer and video based materials. - pg. 69

I've never been a huge fan of home schooling.  I think they can provide more specialized care, but that's because of the small number of students they have to focus on, and it's really unfair to compare the two.  That being said, I will agree with this quote, but only due to the fact that they are only dealing with a small number of students.

2.) Distance education gives small schools a way to compete with larger schools that offer a wide variety of courses. - pg. 77

I have experience with this.  My high school was very small and we utilized distance learning as a way to expand our course offering.  It was very popular, however, that was due to the fact that it was all online.  This translated to easier to some students, and this was a large reason why it was so popular, so I'm not sure the effectiveness of it.

3.) Limiting our concerns about learning with new technologies to schools can blind us to important issues and possibilities. - pg. 90

Ultimately this directly counters my rejection of technology.  And I agree with this statement, it's just a challenge to actively agree with it.